No Kids In Cages
Web & Mobile Design psd-to-wordpress, wordpress-website, wordpress-plugin, wordpress-theme, wordpress
The project main objective was a landing page with peripheral pages supporting the focus. This is a great project and I was honored to be a part of it. My gratitude is overwhelming – Thank you Johnnie 🙂
Chilling Replicas Of ‘Children In Cages’ Appear On NYC Sidewalks
Top NYPD cops called in to take down art showing kids in cages
Art installations blast audio of sobbing, detained children across New York City
‘No Kids in Cages’ art installations pop up around NYC
No Kids in Cages art installation
‘No Kids in Cages’ art installations pop up around NYC
Cages With ‘Kids’ Pop Up Around NYC To Protest Immigrant Detention
Disturbing Pop-Up Art Installations Depict Kids In Cages
Art installations depicting crying children in cages pop up across New York City
Top NYPD cops called in to take down art showing kids in cages
Art installations blast audio of sobbing, detained children across New York City
‘No Kids in Cages’ art installations pop up around NYC
No Kids in Cages art installation
‘No Kids in Cages’ art installations pop up around NYC
Cages With ‘Kids’ Pop Up Around NYC To Protest Immigrant Detention
Disturbing Pop-Up Art Installations Depict Kids In Cages
Art installations depicting crying children in cages pop up across New York City