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Omni Channel PPC Marketing

Give Your Business a Foundation by Making All Other Marketing Better

We deliver empowered customer experiences across every touchpoint and device. Omni-channel strategies ensure customer acquisition, customer retention, company branding, digital and mobile-centric experiences are maximized.

Show Up Everywhere Your Customer is Online

Omni-Channel PPC Marketing help businesses with lead generation, customer retention and brand building.

Proven to Deliver

Omni-Channel PPC Marketing





Ad Spend


Leads Delivered


Monthly Phone Leads

Do you have an in-house team running your ppc ad campaigns? no worries. book your 1 day seminar and I will teach your staff the Omni-Channel PPC Marketing system. Just click the button below and we will get the ball rolling. 

More Likely to Convert by 70%

When a prospect sees your ads across their entire search portfolio, there’s a 70% chance they will purchase your product over your competitor’s.


There is a 70% chance visitors to your website will convert and purchase your product or service over your competitor’s. Planteen Publishing builds positive brand experience over a period of a year. We create outstanding Omni-Channel PPC Marketing by showing your brand on the biggest websites on the internet, educating them on your products and services and differentiating you from your competitors with unique selling points (USPs).


The opportunity is tremendous. Going into the year 2020 only 9% of the businesses run Facebook retargeting ads, 7% Google & Others and only 1% of the business surveyed are doing an Omni-Channel PPC Marketing program.


Customer retention is to create customers who can’t live without you. Omni-Channel PPC Marketing is a retention tool. Through your ads we show the customer you consistently deliver. We deepen your connection with them by educating them on new product or service roll outs building an audience in the community for your products and services.


All we need is a 20 minute onboarding call and we take care of the rest. Planteen Publishing is a fully managed service that opens all the needed accounts for successful campaigns. Starting Omni-Channel PPC Marketing has never been so easy.

Top of mind throughout the year

People Remember How it Feels to Interact with Your Brand – Not Marketing Messages.

Planteen Publishing knows when brands empower customers and make the buying journey seamless and convenient, website visitors will want to become customers and customers want to come back. Not every prospect is ready to convert the first time they visit your site. We not only create touchpoints across the visitors entire search portfolio, we create a Wow! factor.

Do People Understand Your Unique Selling Point?

Our branded ads reinforce what makes your business unique

Do New Customers Feel Like They Can Trust You?

Our review ads lend your business authority

Do Your Visitors Feel Compelled to Contact You?

Our prominent placing of offer ads keeps your business top of mind

You Can Also Keep Your Business Relevant Throughout the Year with Our Seasonal Ads

Your business is seen on websites such as Amazon, CNN, WebMD, YouTube and more. Not only offers, we educate the visitor and customer on your products and your dedication being an impact-focused brand for nearly a year. Ad sets are changed monthly to keep interaction fresh between your business and your audience.


Omni Channel PPC Marketing

Full Ads Management

Call (212) 470-2806

Case Studies

Criminal Law

16% increase in leads at 15% CPL

Fence Installation

12% of conversions at 23% CPL


33% of all conversions at 32% CPL

Apartment Rental

26% increase in leads at 22% CPL

Omni Channel PPC White Paper

A Candid Discussion of Campaigns Every Business Should Run